Tuesday, August 12, 2014

And We're Off... And Approved!

Today I officially started my 8th year of teaching. I am excited and can't wait for the school year.  Strange to hear a teacher say that, right? Well, I love my job and can't imagine doing anything else.
With the beginning of a school year also comes the beginning of daycare and now, kindergarten!

Last week, Anabelle started K-5. Many asked me if I was sad. I can honestly say that while a part of me was sad, I was really just so excited for Anabelle. She is spunky and has always liked school, so this was just an amazing milestone in her life that I got to celebrate with her. The first day went off with a hitch... They gathered by class in the cafeteria and were called by class to dismiss and start the day. When they called her class, she put her backpack on, turned around and said, "Bye Y'all," and she never looked back. She loves her teacher, has made friends, and we couldn't ask for a better school. I am relieved, still excited, and eager to see what the year brings. She was really concerned about learning to whistle (I assured her this was not required.) and if the cafeteria would be serving grits. (Yes, she loves grits, and Yes, you can tell we are from the South.)

Jack and Russell will start a new daycare. I love the new daycare and staff, and I feel they have so much to offer the little boys. Josh is taking them to meet the teacher today. I am hoping that they get as excited about the new arrangement as I am. Russell is now walking some. He got his first pair of shoes (extra wide) and is not a fan. He weighs 26.3 pounds. He is a solid built boy:) Jack is still obsessed with minions and I am embarrassed to admit (EEK!) I think he watched the Lego movie 3 times yesterday.

I went to parent orientation last night for the little boys. Josh stayed home to man the house. I kept feeling my phone vibrate in my bag while Jack's teacher was talking. GEEZZ!! My first thought was, "Doesn't Josh know I am in a meeting??! Then I thought, "What if something is wrong??" I very discreetly checked my phone. After reading the message I let out a gasp that caused the entire room to stare at me. I smiled, but immediately had tears streaming down my face. Josh had sent me 3 messages in a row...


We have been appealing our insurance company and trying to get them to cover Josh's meds since January. I believe that we have the best doctor and the best nurses that have worked so hard to make sure the approval would happen. I have prayed about this happening, I have cried, I have cussed, and I have screamed. I have sat in silence, and I have been vocal about this. I am so grateful and thankful that the approval has happened!!

This week will fly by... By the time it is Friday, I will be exhausted. The first week back with students is very hard. I am hoping that we can all get in a routine.

I hope everyone who reads this has a great week. We will never get this time back, so we must make the most of it!


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